
(考研英语真题同源 外刊赏读 第 152 篇)

本文选自《经济学人》中一篇名为The dawn of artificial intelligence的文章。文章介绍了人工智能技术未来可能会给人类带来危险,但是没必要担忧过度。作者认为要用理性的态度看待人工智能,清楚人工智能能做到什么,不能做到什么,人工智能已经带来哪些危害,未来发展成熟后又存在哪些风险,人类如何做到未雨绸缪,从而既从人工智能中获益,又能避免灾难发生。本文的话题人工智能属于自然科学,但讨论的是社会科学的问题,切合当下科技发展和社会之间的关系的热点,值得一读。


I①Surveillance and dislocations are not, though, what worries Messrs Hawking, Musk and Gates, or what inspires aphalanxof futuristic AI films that Hollywood has recently unleashed onto cinema screens.②Their concern is altogether more distant and moreapocalyptic: the threat of autonomous machines with superhuman cognitive capacity and interests that conflict with those ofHomo sapiens.

II①Such artificially intelligent beings are still a very long way off; indeed, it may never be possible to create them.②Despite a century of poking and prodding at the brain, psychologists,neurologists, sociologists and philosophers are still a long way from an understanding of how a mind might be made—or what one is.③And the business case for even limited intelligence of the general sort—the sort that has interests and autonomy—is far from clear.④A car that drives itself better than its owner sounds like a boon; a car with its own ideas about where to go, less so.

III①But even if the prospect of what Mr Hawking calls“full”AI is still distant, it is prudent for societies to plan for how to cope.②That is easier than it seems, not least because humans have been creating autonomous entities with superhuman capacities andunalignedinterests for some time.③Government bureaucracies, markets and armies: all can do things which unaided, unorganized humans cannot.④All need autonomy to function, all can take on life of their own and all can do great harm if not set up in a just manner and governed by laws and regulations.

IV①These parallels should comfort the fearful; they also suggest concrete ways for societies to develop AI safely.②Just as armies need civilian oversight, markets are regulated and bureaucracies must be transparent and accountable, so AI systems must be open toscrutiny. ③Because systems designers cannot foresee every set of circumstances, there must also be anoff-switch.④These constraints can be put in place withoutcompromising progress.⑤From the nuclear bomb to traffic rules, mankind has used technical ingenuity and legalstricturesto constrain other powerful innovations.

V①Thespectre of eventually creating an autonomous non-human intelligence is so extraordinary that it risks overshadowing the debate.②Yes, there are perils.③But they should not obscure the huge benefits from the dawn of AI.


1*. surveillance[sə’veɪl(ə)ns]n. 监督;监视

2*. dislocation[,dɪslə(ʊ)’keɪʃ(ə)n]n. 转位;混乱;[医] 脱臼

3*. phalanx[‘fælæŋks] n. 方阵;密集阵

4*. Apocalyptic[ə’pɑkə’lɪptɪk]adj. 启示录的;天启的

5. cognitive [‘kɒɡnɪtɪv]adj. 认知的,认识的

6. Homo sapiens智人(现代人的学名)

7. neurologist[,njʊə’rɒlədʒɪst] n.神经学家

8. unaligned[,ʌnə’laɪnd] adj.不结盟的,不一致的

9. bureaucracy[,bjʊ(ə)’rɒkrəsɪ] n.官僚机构

10. scrutiny[‘skruːtɪnɪ]n.详细审查

11. off-switch关闭

12. compromising[‘kɒmprəmaɪzɪŋ] adj.妥协的

13. ingenuity[,ɪndʒɪ’njuːɪtɪ]n.独创性;精巧

14*.stricture[‘strɪktʃə] n.限制,约束

15*.spectre[‘spektə]n. 幽灵;妖怪;恐惧

16*.peril[‘perɪl]n. 危险;冒险



I①Surveillanceanddislocationsare not, though, what worries Messrs Hawking, Musk and Gates, or what inspires aphalanxof futuristic AI films that Hollywood has recently unleashed onto cinema screens.②Their concern is altogether more distant and moreapocalyptic: the threat of autonomous machines with superhuman cognitive capacity and interests that conflict with those ofHomo sapiens.



II①Such artificially intelligent beings are still a very long way off; indeed, it may never be possible to create them.②Despite a century of poking and prodding at the brain, psychologists,neurologists,sociologists and philosophers are still a long way from an understanding of how a mind might be made—or what one is. ③And the business case for even limited intelligence of the general sort—the sort that has interests and autonomy—is far from clear.④A car that drives itself better than its owner sounds like a boon; a car with its own ideas about where to go, less so.


点评:段II是上一段的让步,说明这种灾难虽然可怕,但现在还不太可能发生。句①指出上面说的人工智能机器可能要未来很久才能发明出来,或者永远都发明不出来,所以不需要太恐慌。句②给出原因,虽然科学家们在研究大脑方面做出了不懈努力,但要真正解开大脑的秘密还任重道远。poke and prod都有“刺、戳、拨弄”的意思,这里作“研究”讲。句③指出即便是具备简单兴趣和自主性的智能机器现在都是难题,进一步说明,过度担心是没必要的。句④举了一个有趣的“开车”例子,增强文章的可读性和说服力。

III①But even if the prospect of what Mr Hawking calls“full”AI is still distant, it is prudent for societies to plan for how to cope.②That is easier than it seems, not least because humans have been creating autonomous entities with superhuman capacities andunalignedinterests for some time.③Governmentbureaucracies, markets and armies: all can do things which unaided, unorganized humans cannot.④All need autonomy to function, all can take on life of their own and all can do great harm if not set up in a just manner and governed by laws and regulations.


点评:段III继续转折,指出虽然危险不是迫在眉睫,但要未雨绸缪。句①作者建议社会要想出应对办法。句②指出提前预防是可行的,因为人类已经有过相关经验。句③举出政府机构、市场和军队的例子,因为这些机构与个人相比都具有更强的能力和不可控性,这是与人工智能的相似之处。句④指出这些机构之所以能良好运转,服务人类和社会,是因为以正当的方式建立(in a just manner),有法律法规约束。

IV①These parallels should comfort the fearful; they also suggest concrete ways for societies to develop AI safely.②Just as armies need civilian oversight, markets are regulated and bureaucracies must be transparent and accountable, so AI systems must be open toscrutiny. ③Because systems designers cannot foresee every set of circumstances, there must also be anoff-switch.④These constraints can be put in place withoutcompromisingprogress.⑤From the nuclear bomb to traffic rules, mankind has used technicalingenuityand legalstricturesto constrain other powerful innovations.



V①Thespectreof eventually creating an autonomous non-human intelligence is so extraordinary that it risks overshadowing the debate.②Yes, there areperils.③But they should not obscure the huge benefits from the dawn of AI.


点评:段V总结全文,进一步阐明作者观点:对人工智能没必要过度担心,危险是存在的,但不能否定人工智能带来的益处,也不能就此放弃发展人工智能。句①指出现状,人们对人工智能的恐惧非常强烈。句②让步,承认确实有危险。句③转折,obscure:掩盖,使…模糊不清,是上句“overshadow”的同义词;dawn :黎明,开端,此处暗示人工智能虽然处于发展初期,但前景是光明的,在呼应文章题目的同时,点明文章主题,彰显作者态度。


















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